Sunday, June 1, 2008


While on vacation, I was totally unplugged. We threw our cell phones in a suitcase and obviously never signed up for (or paid for) internet access while on the ship. The only exception was when I wore Zirpu's iPod for the flight from Anchorage to Fairbanks, with the Beatles cranked up in my ears.

Now that I'm back, I haven't wanted to spend a lot of time online. I read today's newspaper while sitting in bed and in the sun, but haven't even really checked into the usual sites I was looking at daily before we left. I felt like I spent a lot of time dealing with getting the photos posted and responding to emails on Friday and I'm still feeling pretty much "done" with all that. I read a book yesterday, and today watched Juno on DVD.

So, I'm done with this post too. I don't know when I will come back - maybe when regular life becomes regular again.

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