Sunday, December 24, 2006

It's a start

Aren't all beginnings new?

I usually associate the new year with September, as it includes my birthday and I've been on an academic calendar most of my life. Plus, Rosh Hashanah is in September, so I'm not the only one who treats it as the beginning of the year. But it's the end of December 2006 and I thought, after looking at the Flickr 365 project, that I could try that, only in words: Write something - at least a few words - each day of 2007. I may even post a photo each day, if I can figure out how to do that.

This week I plan to learn how to post photos to Blogger and to find that list of words we used at the Letty Owings Center to set myself up with some writing triggers. I consider this post to be analogous to setting my toes against the starting block, before the race begins. Next Monday I will start at whatever pace I feel, and hopefully continue through this week next year.

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