Shobi-wan just called and told me that she had to put her dog Sophie down today. She's been ill, declining since Christmas, and wasn't going to get better. All the treatment the veterinarians could have given would have prolonged her life, but not the quality of her life. I'm really sad that Sophie is gone.
Soph was a big dog - black-haired, big-hearted, and stubborn, like Shobi-wan herself. Sophie came to live with Shobi-wan shortly after Shobi-wan and I split up, but even so Sophie liked me. I went to visit Shobi-wan in Seattle once and Sophie was so glad to see me she stood on her head and ran in circles. When I got sick later that night, she slept with me on the fold-out couch. Her fur was long and her tail looked as though she spent hours crimping it just so every morning.
Yesterday while reading the paper my eye was caught by an obituary that said about the person, "Her body released her soul to exuberantly explore other realms." Explore, Sophie! Good dog!
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