My aunt brought a four-strand pearl necklace that she inherited from her mother-in-law for me to wear for the wedding. My "bouquet," a ribbon-wrapped heart with purple and white flowers, was new, made that day, in fact. My mom's 49er-season-ticket-holder friend loaned me a pair of dangling pearl earrings. I had purchased some blue underwear for the wedding day, and when the photographer came to the house I realized that she couldn't set a pair of undies in a photograph!
Fortunately I had in my little jewelry carrying case a small pearl and blue bead bracelet that Bink had given me when I gave a reading in her wedding a few months before. I hadn't meant to bring it, but had never taken it out after returning from Washington. It made me even happier that I had this small thing from the recent wedding of a close friend, that fit perfectly into the little rhyme I didn't know I cared about until it was time to care about it.

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