Anansi The Spider: A Tale From The Ashanti
Dr. Seuss' Happy Birthday To You!
Free To Be... You And Me (and the record)
Where Did I Come From?
Where The Wild Things Are
In The Night Kitchen
Richard Scarry books
The Wizard of Oz
Tick Tock of Oz
Alice In Wonderland
The Phantom Tollbooth
a biography of Sam Houston, title forgotten (which I won for my good marks in California history, which even at the time I thought was strange)
Julie of the Wolves
The Diary of Ann Frank
Harriet The Spy
The Call of the Wild
The Narnia Chronicles (my favorite was, and is, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader)
The Hobbit
1 comment:
Thanks for stopping by my blog to let me know of your post.
I read Harriet the Spy as an adult, reading with my grade-school daughter, enjoying it as much as she did. And Shogun I read eons ago, also as an adult, and loved it.
My own favorite books as a child included:
Way Beyond Zebra by Dr. Seuss (pre-K--Even then I thought writing was a magical world!);
Mother Goose-some very old, huge edition we had at home;
Some biography series of easy readers-about Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln, etc. that I read in 2nd grade, borrowed from the bookmobile. They turned me toward history, which I still love.
Trixie Belden and Nancy Drew series--and now I cringe at how bad they are, but they confirmed me as a voracious reader, which was a good thing. And I still love trashy mysteries!
Blue Willow (I think that's the name) and Rifles for Watie--2 books I read in 5th grade and loved bigtime. I think they were sophisticated for me, and introduced me to different perspectives of society. When I read Rifles, I was surprised to realize that Southerners were people not monsters. (Obviously, I had been indoctrinated at school against slavery and pro-North in the Civil War.)
My daughter had different favorites:
a board book about The Nutcracker-with Clara and the Sugar Plum Fairy, etc.
Monster Mama by Liz Rosenberg. Read so many times that at age 3 1/2 she could "read" it herself from memory.
The Rough Face Girl-a different Cinderella story.
Villains--a Disney book about all the Disney villains. Each villain featured on a spread. (I think she liked these last two because they were dark and that seemed mysterious and almost forbidden, so wow--to be reading about such stuff.)
She's had more favorites, but I've lost track.
Books play such an important role in our lives. It's a good thing to remember this, as we hope to write quality stories, too.
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