We started service in the new building today. When I got to work the Food Bank Director and five other guys were moving the last refrigerator in. We didn't have refrigeration today, but I was expecting that.
All of the volunteers who worked today came in and were pretty happy about the new place. After a little while, though, they started nitpicking at this and that, and at the end of the day the FBD was pretty frustrated at the glass-half-empty attitude he was getting. I think the volunteers got spoiled by how much room we had at the warehouse, even though the new building is much much nicer. Still, we had a good day. The clients were pretty happy with the new set up and the process went much more smoothly than the FBD and I expected. We also served 35 households, which is a significant number.

One side of the new back room. The cooler was a temporary measure to deal with
the lack of freezers today. Tomorrow they'll be back online.
the lack of freezers today. Tomorrow they'll be back online.

This is really the heart of our program, though the fresh produce from the farmers'
market and Trader Joe's is the big draw.
In a week or so we should have rubber mats on the floor for safety and comfort.

so we don't have to use "borrowed" grocery carts clients bring us as a favor.

They were quiet and happy and so were their parents.
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