Friday, November 2, 2007

Someone else's title

I rolled over the blogroll I mentioned above and stopped by Creative Kerfluffle. You know what? She posted the other day that since she signed up for NaBloPoMo the traffic on her site is up. I'm not going to link to the actual post because the tone in the post sounds like she's not totally comfortable with all this new traffic, but I have linked to her blog so do as you will.

She says, "I know in the back of my head anyone can read my blog since it's on the internet but I got lulled into the idea that nobody else was." Now she knows people who aren't people she knows in real life are reading her blog. Oddly enough I know I'm one of those people. I'm the stranger.

If it's happening to her it's probably happening to me and I just don't know it. I like it that way. I don't want to know that "strangers" are reading my blog, though of course I would not send them away. I also don't want to know that the traffic stays just the same as I've been assuming most of the time this year. Having posted PAL on the blogroll, and posted a comment on NaBloPoMo, half a dozen visitors kinda feels like suffering from terminal uncoolness. Which is not meant as a slam against my loyal readers, whom I love in real life. (-:

Well, I shall continue blithely along.

1 comment:

Phoebe J. Southwood said...

btw, my friend Rambunctious Grl visited me from Seattle last week and told me that she reads you regularly, but never posts. She's an excellent lurker though, not a scary one at all - and an amazing woman! I hope she will come out of the shadows soon!!!