Monday, November 19, 2007

Getting The Bird

I'm exhausted after an absolutely hopping day at the food bank. We served 61 households and took in 77 turkeys and at least 200 pounds of canned and boxed goods. Remember the other day when I said we had 91 turkeys? We now have 450. I don't even live there and I think Alameda rocks. One woman brought 30 turkeys from her personal turkey drive when she stood near the checkout counter with a shopping cart full of birds. Another woman sent out a message over her PTA listserv saying we had 12o turkeys and needed 200 more. Late in the day when I told a receptionist that we had plenty of turkeys, she asked for two food barrels for December instead.

It got to the point when we would just laugh, punchy, when a volunteer would say, "Someone's giving us the bird!"

This is how tired I am: Zirpu is making dinner while I am drinking a bubbly Cape Cod (four parts cranberry juice, two parts seltzer water, two [or was it four?] Skyy vodka), my own variation on a classic. Vodka is the drink of (half of) my people, you know, though as Jews they probably never drank much at all, even if they were Lithuanians.

(Eh, if you want good food/drink photography, check out Matt Bites.)